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  • Writer's pictureCaleb Monroe


Here is another area I struggle with as a writer. I am terrible with grammar. To prove it, I am going to type this up and not proofread it.

I love putting together stories full of characters that you will draw you in and be easy to relate with. I also love leaving you hanging at the ending of book, because I know it will make you angry and yearning to find out what happens next. What I hate is editing. I am not an English or grammar guru. I teach chemistry and math for a reason. I love that side of things but not how to properly to use a comma. That is one of my worst areas. Commas are the devil. I could read through books a thousands times and still miss a comma or not realize I didn't need one in sentence. I often just throw them in just in case. My editor probably hates that.

Something else I am bad at is missing words in sentences. When you know what your character is supposed to say you often leave words out, and when you read through it again while editing, you hear it in your mind even though the word is not on the page. That is really infuriating. I do that a lot.

Despite my complaining, I do love the editing process. I love to read through my books and try to find mistakes. I miss many of them even after reading through my books mulitple times, but I do my best. It's all I can do.

I love being an author. I really do. This is something I want to make work. I want people to read my book and love the story and characters. I also want them to forgive me if a mistake or two get through in the final product. No one is perfect, especially me. So, read my books. Find the faults and know that I know they are there. It's part of the job.

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